Video Introductions
General Intro
Publisher Intro
Retailer Intro
August 31, 2019: Ron Whitmore’s Art Fusion with artist Karen Cole, and singer songwriter John Cole and Muezbiz.
February 3, 2018: That Branding Guy™ 1260AM KTRC
October 29, 2019: Medium: What is Organic Music Marketing and Distribution?
April 17, 2019: Medium: Working the Musical Chops
February 17, 2019: Medium: For the Love of Music ~ Being Unique
January 15, 2019: Medium: Uploaded Your Music? Then What?
January 6, 2019: Medium: Supporting Our Music Hoods Everywhere
August 12, 2018: Medium: Muezzin ~ Will our online world change from what we know today?
June 5, 2018: Medium: The Tip Jar ~ Literally the Tip Jar
May 31, 2018: Medium: The Banging Bones Musical Tour Rattles to the End
June 2018: PDF Introduction Place Card
June 2018: Download audio introduction, logo, and images
John Cole, Founder and lead developer
Contact: (505) 577-6270 or E-mail'